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  • Do you offer one-to-one or group mentor sessions?
    Yes! Group Mastermind Mentor Series launched in the fall of 2023 - designers can sign up for a small and intimate group mentor sessions, held online via Zoom. Held once a week over several weeks, we discuss valuable industry information, take a look at the documents and templates every elevated design firm should implement, and open up for Q&A at the end so you get the answers you're looking for right then and there. Sessions will be recorded and available afterwards for future use. One-on-One mentoring opportunities are once again available! Please send an email to inquire further.
  • What can Mentorship actually do for me?
    Not having to figure everything out on your own, alone, is hands-down one of the BEST outcomes mentorship provides. The interior design industry is notoriously secretive, and very close-knit... trying to find answers to so many of the questions you have starting out on your own is really hard! Having a community by way of other designers in the very same spot as you looking for support and resources that will help boost confidence, experience, skillset, strengthen service offerings, and wanting to elevate the industry as a whole is an incredible way to grow your business early on. Mentorship is like the cool, slightly older aunt or sister you wish you had growing up... someone to lean on for support, give guidance and encouragement when needed, and to let you in on all the important life secrets that will better help steer you to where you want to go.
  • When do I need a Mentor?
    The answer to this is simple.... whenever you feel you're ready to grow, learn, and expand your professional horizons beyond the level you're currently at.
  • Do I need to have clients/projects first before I can benefit from Mentorship?
    Absolutely not - if you waited until you already had clients and project experience under your belt, you would be doing yourself a huge disservice. In the time it takes to acquire those first projects, you could be setting yourself up for greater overall long-term success by way of valuable professional development & business resources. Never wait until you think you're ready or worthy of the opportunity to learn more... you ARE worthy, and you are ready. Grab every opportunity meant for you today.
  • Who are your typical Mentor clients/students?
    I absolutely love working with designers in the first 1-5 years of their careers! I do work with more seasoned designers but find my core niche of mentee's are within the very early stages of their businesses, or those who are currently enrolled or are planning to enroll in design school and are curious about what the 'real world' will be like once they graduate.
  • Are you a Coach?
    It's so easy nowadays for anyone to call themselves a "coach" and have zero to little experience running an actual business. Throughout 20 years of education & continual learning, tenacity in an ever-changing industry, and through hard and dedicated work, the experiences of running my own successful interior design business has led me to working with other designers by way of mentorship and the sharing of resources, knowledge, and personal/professional insights I have developed for my company along the way. I prefer the "mentor" label personally.
  • What qualifications do you have?
    I carry a 4-year Bachelor of Applied Interior Design degree from Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta (2003) and have 20 years of running my own successful interior design company under my belt. I didn't come from an entrepreneurial family. I don't come from money or family connections. It's been through mostly trial and error, forging crucial relationships at different points throughout my career, being open to the sage advice and experience of others, and just trusting my intuition and working extremely hard that I have been able to build my life & business to where it is. I simply love learning and sharing that knowledge where it's needed, and will always continually strive to improve and expand my personal and professional consciousness.
  • Where are you located?
    I am based out of Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. Through the power of the internet, I am able to connect with you no matter your location. 95% of all designer mentee's are located outside of Kelowna and are spread out across Canada, the United States, and abroad.
  • Will it matter if I'm not located in Canada?
    No matter where you're located, all mentorship offered here at DESIGNLIFEINC. is relevant across the board. The only differences you will find may be in regards to pricing/project-specific costs and how it relates to your area or market. The 'business of design' - clients, proposals, projects, mindset, start up basics, furnishings, etc. - is the same across the industry.
  • Urban Theory Design - tell me more about your interior design company
    You'll see the live links and hear me mention Urban Theory Design throughout the site - this is my own interior design company that currently serves residential & light commercial clients across the western provinces of Canada. On top of running the mentor site and hosting mentor sessions, I run a full-time boutique design firm that includes myself and 3 other contract designers. We're based in Kelowna, BC and have a satellite location in Manitoba where the business originally began and we still have amazing repeat clients. We do mostly full-service, mid to high-end projects where the design fees we bring in start from $10k to $30k. Typical residential renovation budgets run between $100k-$500k, and average new home build budgets run between $2M-$5M. Our clients currently live across Canada, the United States, and even Australia; we specialize in coordinating and executing their projects remotely for a total turn-key experience while they live abroad. Take a look at one of our projects underway right now!
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